On Thursday (March 19), I went to Chinese class in the morning. I then headed back to my apartment around noon and took a nap for a couple of hours. Around 5 p.m., I got a call from Marissa asking me if I wanted to go with her to a Thai restaurant. It took me some convincing to go, but I finally did. I left my apartment and headed over to her dorm. Will and a former USAC student named Alfonso were already there. We left around 6:30 p.m. and tried to get a taxi to the restaurant. Of course, we had no luck, so we began walking to a bus stop. However, the bus that we wanted was taking forever to come, so we began walking to another bus stop. We finally got on a bus, which took us to downtown Chengdu. When we got off the bus, we had to ask people for directions, so by the time we arrived at the restaurant, it was already 7:30 p.m. We were seated and I ordered curry roast duck, which was delicious. It had tender duck, pineapple and tomato in a curry soup, which made it so tasty. Will, who's Thai, asked the waitress if he could see the chef. The chef came out and Will and he began talking in Thai. The chef asked Will if he wanted to have rice with coconut milk and mango.
The savory dish

After dinner, the four of us took a crowded bus back close to my apartment and I headed home, while the other two accompanied Marissa to take visa photos. I walked home, arrived around 10:30 p.m. and headed to bed.
Missing you babe! 11 more days = 2 years, can you believe it. Tickets sold out for Yanni too :( get here faster!!!!!!!!!
Wow, no I can't believe it's almost two years! Sorry the tickets were sold out... Ich liebe dich auch! <3