Snow outside the bedroom window
The remains of the house covered in snow
Narry's parents and Narry
I was still half asleep
I had to write my nickname in the snow
After Christie and I had seen enough snow, we went back to sleep until it was lunchtime. After lunch, the guys went to go hunt for birds again, but Christie and I decided that we didn't want to go and instead stay in the warmth. After an hour or two of sitting around, watching t.v., and writing, Narry's dad motioned for us to follow him. We put on our shoes and a couple of the relatives and Christie and I went for a walk again. We thought we were going to another relative's house. We walked up on one of the mountains towards a house and after a couple of minutes went back down. Christie and I were a little confused because we didn't know what was going on. As we were walking back, however, we saw the guys climbing down the mountain. I didn't know how Narry's family knew where they were, but we found them nonetheless. We met up with them a little further down and asked them if they had caught any birds. Kevin said they caught two (one "big" one and a tiny one) and then showed them to us. He also told us that they had to borrow a really old gun from one of the relatives in order to shoot the birds since the net wasn't working. Kevin shot the birds after the guys scared them into the air. The big one died instantly, but the tiny one didn't so Kevin had to break its neck. The head was barely hanging on when we saw it. It was pretty gross.
Kevin and his kill
When we got back, we ate dinner and then played Mahjong again for a little while. When we got tired of that, Narry, Kevin, Christie and I just talked about movies and music for a while.
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